1. Will classes be recorded?

Unless otherwise noted, classes will be recorded and sent to registered participants. Recordings will be available for 30 days after the class date.

2. If I join for a drop-in and want to take part in a whole series, can I register?

Absolutely. Just send us an email and we will send you a link to register at a discounted rate.

3. If I have a class proposal for the Earth Body School, how do I get in touch?

Please reach out here! We're excited to hear from you.


1. What is Body Literacy?

Body Literacy is embodied understanding of our physiology grounded in intellectual understanding as well as kinesthetic experience so we may make informed, empowered decisions for ourselves, our communities and our landscapes.

2. What is Fertility Awareness and the Fertility Awareness Method?

Fertility Awareness is a type of body literacy that relates to our menstrual-ovulatory cycles and fertility, including self-care practices, lifestyle choices, and body/eco-literacy.

Fertility Awareness Method is the symptothermal charting practice associated with tracking our menstrual-ovulatory cycles.

3. What will I learn in your Cycle Charting class?

You will learn about how to track your cycle using The Well method and how to interpret different biomarkers for contraception, lifestyle, conception, and overall health. To learn more, click here.

4. Is the Fertility Awareness Method effective?

First, it’s important to know that not all FAM methods are the same!

At Earth Body School, we will be offering a FAM practice that is nearly identical to that used in a 2007 German study that found the FAM method was 99.4-99.6% effective in preventing pregnancy when used perfectly. Taking into account user effectiveness (human error, etc.), its efficacy rates at 98.2%.

Many folks chart without ever having worked with a certified educator, but FAM is a science and can be taught!

5. Is there an app you recommend?

I recommend the app Read Your Body, which does not see, share, sell or do anything with your charting data. It is non-predictive and highly customizable (I have a template I share with interested students). All participants in my Cycle Mapping course receive three free months of access to Read Your Body!